Last term I spent all term hearing about flipped classrooms because I was in one. We would watch a lecture video before class, do a short reading, then upon arriving to class we would immediately have a quiz. Following the quiz, we would explore exercises to the material covered in the pre-lecture video. I noticed the material felt too easy because I had already learned it. With that being said, it was much easier to pay attention to the examples because I did not feel the need to write things down. I could actually be an active learner!

I developed what might be a pre-lecture video for a flipped classroom instructing on nutritional information. I have prepared an infographic as a sort-of cheat sheet or prelude for students.

The following pre-lecture video should be watched before attending class. I presented the material as a screen cast of a PowerPoint. I attempted to minimize text, add more images/colors, and use my voice in the screen cast to leverage dual coding and minimize cognitive load. I embedded the quiz from the end of the video in the post below.